Tap Into Your Higher Dimensional Team
Interconnected Channeling
With Mary DiTommaso
Interconnected Channeling brings your higher self, spirit guides and ancestors to your everyday life -- inviting them to be a part of your journey, a guidance system and team moving you toward your highest potential as a spiritual being.
There has never been a more perfect time to invite your team to be a part of your life's journey. The evolution of time has opened the window for you to tap into your greatest self -- creative, expressive and imaginative -- to be all that you came here to be.
Your guide team always works behind the scenes and wants you to connect with them for a more harmonious, successful experience, bringing you the greatest joy, prosperity and abundance in all areas of your life.
About Mary
Beginning in 1986, Mary’s career initially included shock-trauma nursing, after which she moved to psychiatric nursing for over 33 years, working in both in-patient hospital and community mental health settings.
She often spoke to her patients about grasping the joy and excitement of life, encouraging them to see the magic of everyday life and the divinity in all beings, including animals, plants, stones, music, family, and friends.
Her energy healing path began in 2006 with Reconnective Healing, Matrix Energetics, Tong Ren Healing, and Healing Touch. As a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, Mary pioneered a Healing Touch Program in her mental health work.
In her personal life, Mary strives to grow in many ways, including a passion for ballroom dancing, where she won many awards. She has also added white water kayaking and more recently motorcycle riding to her avocational skills.
Mary has been a healer of others since childhood. Her movement and presence brings to others a profound sense of calm and stillness – as other psychics pointed out to her -- touching many lives. Those same psychics encouraged her channeling, telling her she could move with ease into this new higher dimensional role of connecting others to their sense of divinity as a higher dimensional being.
Life takes on a magical component as we are lifted and guided to our truest essence of self.
What a Reading Does For You:
Bringing in the team members that surround us, grounding them in the here and now, day-to-day life for greater excitement, clarity, creativity and joy as our gifts become more clear to us and we move with ease and flow.
Book a Reading
Sessions last about an hour.